Yamanashi’s Most Prominent Peaks
One thing Japanese people love to do is rank and categorise things, and mountains are no exception. Ever since the release of Kyuya Fukada’s best seller 100 Famous Japanese Mountains (Nihon Hyaku-meizan) back in 1964, there has been a profusion of ‘famous mountains of Japan’ tallies. Take, for example, the top 200 and 300 mountains, along with a swag of prefectures that have curated their own 100 mountain lists, including Toyama, Nagano, Niigata, Yamagata, and Yamaguchi. Not to be outdone, Yamanashi Prefecture in 1997 came up with its own Best 100 from candidates nominated by the public and weighted on national recognition and connection with history and folklore.
One of the first non-Japanese to bag the Yamanashi Hyaku-meizan was Julian Ross, along with his partner in crime, Hana the Border Terrier. They made quick work of the ton, completing it in just a couple of years. In more recent times, Naresh Deora pulled off the feat too. By no means an easy task, as some of the more obscure peaks are actually harder and dicier than the Hyaku-meizan. Take Mt. Tosaka, which has no general trails leading to the summit and is considered a difficult and dangerous peak. Need I mention the steep, jagged, saw-toothed Nokogiri-dake? In the meantime, I’m 40 percent of the way through, and having now compiled this list, hopefully it will inspire a few more.
For those interested in climbing the Yamanashi Hyaku-meizan, the Yamanashi Prefectural Government publishes a handy mountain difficulty rating guide (in English) that covers 123 climbing routes.
Yamanashi Hyaku-meizan 山梨百名山
No | Mountain | Japanese | Height (m) | Mountain Range |
001 | Daibosatsu-rei | 大菩薩嶺 | 2057 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
002 | Koganezawa-yama | 小金沢山 | 2014 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
003 | Gangaharasuri-yama | 雁ヶ腹摺山 | 1874 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
004 | Okuratakamaru | 大蔵高丸 | 1781 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
005 | Takigo-yama | 滝子山 | 1590 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
006 | Sasagogangaharasuri-yama | 笹子雁ヶ腹摺山 | 1358 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
007 | Genjiro-dake | 源次郎岳 | 1477 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
008 | Tanayokote-yama | 棚横手山 | 1306 | Daibosatsu-renrei |
009 | Honjagamaru | 本社ヶ丸 | 1631 | Misaka-sanchi |
010 | Takagawa-san | 高川山 | 976 | Misaka-sanchi |
011 | Mito-san | 三頭山 | 1531 | Okutama |
012 | Gongen-yama | 権現山 | 1312 | Okutama |
013 | Ougi-yama | 扇山 | 1136 | Okutama |
014 | Momokura-yama | 百蔵山 | 1003 | Okutama |
015 | Iwadono-san | 岩殿山 | 634 | Okutama |
016 | Takagawa-san | 高柄山 | 733 | Doshi-sankai |
017 | Kuratake-yama | 倉岳山 | 990 | Doshi-sankai |
018 | Kuki-yama | 九鬼山 | 970 | Doshi-sankai |
019 | Nijurokuya-yama | 二十六夜山 | 972 | Doshi-sankai |
020 | Nabatake-yama | 菜畑山 | 1283 | Doshi-sankai |
021 | Imakura-yama | 今倉山 | 1470 | Doshi-sankai |
022 | Mishotai-san | 御正体山 | 1682 | Doshi-sankai |
023 | Ishiwari-yama | 石割山 | 1413 | Doshi-sankai |
024 | Shakushi-yama | 杓子山 | 1598 | Doshi-sankai |
025 | Omuro-yama | 大室山 | 1588 | Tanzawa-sanchi |
026 | Torinomune-yama | 鳥ノ胸山 | 1208 | Tanzawa-sanchi |
027 | Amagoi-yama | 雨乞岳 | 2037 | Akaishi-sanmyaku |
028 | Hinata-yama | 日向山 | 1660 | Akaishi-sanmyaku |
029 | Nokogiri-dake | 鋸岳 | 2685 | Minami Alps |
030 | Kaikomaga-take | 甲斐駒ヶ岳 | 2967 | Minami Alps |
031 | Asayo-mine | アサヨ峰 | 2799 | Minami Alps |
032 | Senjoga-take | 仙丈ヶ岳 | 3033 | Minami Alps |
033 | Kotaro-yama | 小太郎山 | 2725 | Minami Alps |
034 | Kita-dake | 北岳 | 3193 | Minami Alps |
035 | Aino-dake | 間ノ岳 | 3190 | Minami Alps |
036 | Notori-dake | 農鳥岳 | 3051 | Minami Alps |
037 | Kurogouchi-dake | 笹山 (黒河内岳) | 2733 | Minami Alps |
038 | Zaruga-take | 笊ヶ岳 | 2629 | Minami Alps |
039 | Hoo-zan | 鳳凰山 | 2840 | Minami Alps |
040 | Amari-yama | 甘利山 | 1731 | Minami Alps |
041 | Sentoboshi-yama | 千頭星山 | 2139 | Minami Alps |
042 | Kushigata-yama | 櫛形山 | 2052 | Minami Alps |
043 | Genji-yama | 源氏山 | 1827 | Minami Alps |
044 | Fujimi-yama | 富士見山 | 1640 | Minobu-sanchi |
045 | Minobu-san | 身延山 | 1153 | Minobu-sanchi |
046 | Shichimen-san | 七面山 | 1989 | Minobu-sanchi |
047 | Hakko-rei | 八紘嶺 | 1918 | Minobu-sanchi |
048 | Yanbushi | 山伏 | 2013 | Minobu-sanchi |
049 | Jumai-san | 十枚山 | 1726 | Minobu-sanchi |
050 | Shinoi-san | 篠井山 | 1394 | Minobu-sanchi |
051 | Kanga-take | 貫ヶ岳 | 897 | Minobu-sanchi |
052 | Takadokkyo | 高ドッキョウ | 1134 | Minobu-sanchi |
053 | Shiratori-yama | 白鳥山 | 568 | |
054 | Fuji-san | 富士山 | 3776 | Independent peak |
055 | Mitsutoge-yama | 三ッ峠山 | 1785 | Misaka-sanchi |
056 | Tatsuzawa-yama | 達沢山 | 1358 | Misaka-sanchi |
057 | Kuro-dake | 黒岳 | 1793 | Misaka-sanchi |
058 | Shakkaga-dake | 釈迦ヶ岳 | 1641 | Misaka-sanchi |
059 | Odochi-yama | 大栃山 | 1415 | Misaka-sanchi |
060 | Kasuga-yama | 春日山 | 1235 | Misaka-sanchi |
061 | Takido-yama | 滝戸山 | 1221 | Misaka-sanchi |
062 | Settoga-take | 節刀ヶ岳 | 1736 | Misaka-sanchi |
063 | Juniga-dake | 十二ヶ岳 | 1683 | Misaka-sanchi |
064 | O-dake | 王岳 | 1623 | Misaka-sanchi |
065 | Sanpobun-zan | 三方分山 | 1422 | Misaka-sanchi |
066 | Hiruga-take | 蛾ヶ岳 | 1279 | Misaka-sanchi |
067 | Ashiwada-yama | 足和田山 | 1355 | Misaka-sanchi |
068 | Ryuga-dake | 竜ヶ岳 | 1485 | Tenshi-sanchi |
069 | Kenashi-yama | 毛無山 | 1964 | Tenshi-sanchi |
070 | Chojaga-dake | 長者ヶ岳 | 1336 | Tenshi-sanchi |
071 | Mitsuishi-yama | 三石山 | 1173 | Tenshi-sanchi |
072 | Shishin-zan | 思親山 | 1031 | Tenshi-sanchi |
073 | Aka-dake | 赤岳 | 2899 | Yatsugatake |
074 | Gongen-dake | 権現岳 | 2715 | Yatsugatake |
075 | Amigasa-yama | 編笠山 | 2524 | Yatsugatake |
076 | Yokoo-san | 横尾山 | 1818 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
077 | Ogawa-yama | 小川山 | 2418 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
078 | Mizugaki-yama | 瑞牆山 | 2230 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
079 | Kinpu-san | 金峰山 | 2599 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
080 | Kokushi-take | 国師ヶ岳 | 2592 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
081 | Kobushiga-take | 甲武信ヶ岳 | 2475 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
082 | Tosaka-yama | 鶏冠山 | 2115 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
083 | Happu-san | 破風山 | 2318 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
084 | Karisaka-rei | 雁坂嶺 | 2289 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
085 | Kasatori-yama | 笠取山 | 1953 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
086 | Hiryu-zan | 飛龍山(大洞山) | 2077 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
087 | Kumotori-yama | 雲取山 | 2017 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
088 | Kurokawa-Keikan | 鶏冠山(黒川山) | 1716 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
089 | Kurogane-yama | 黒金山 | 2232 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
090 | Kentoku-yama | 乾徳山 | 2031 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
091 | Konara-yama | 小楢山 | 1713 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
092 | Kayaga-dake | 茅ヶ岳 | 1704 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
093 | Magari-dake | 曲岳 | 1642 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
094 | Kurofuji | 黒富士 | 1635 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
095 | Tachioka-yama | 太刀岡山 | 1295 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
096 | Rakanji-yama | 羅漢寺山 | 1058 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
097 | Obina-yama | 帯那山 | 1422 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
098 | Yogai-yama | 要害山 | 780 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
099 | Kabuto-yama | 兜山 | 780 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
100 | Daizokyoji-yama | 大蔵経寺山 | 716 | Okuchichibu-sankai |
Thanks David for the comprehensive list and the mention. There is hardly any information available for Yamanashi hyakumezan in English and I am sure your blog would be a great resource for all those contemplating doing the yamanashi100.
All the best for your remaining.
No problem, Naresh, and congratulations again on scaling each and every one of them. I probably should have posted this list sooner. I can’t tell you how many times I double-checked to see if a particular mountain was, in fact, part of the Yamanashi Hyaku-meizan.
It looks as if I have tackled many of the easier ones, with a fair few left to test my mettle.
Zarugatake 笊ケ岳 not Zarugagatake and definitely not 皇海山 Sukai-san which is in Gunma/Tochigi-ken. Zarugatake is another tough one, harder than those on national list IMHO. I found Zaru more difficult than Tsurugidake, but maybe I just had a bad day.
2 mountains written 鶏冠山 less than 20km apart. 1 easy, 1 not…
Opps! Nicely spotted. The table was a copy and paste from my 100 Famous Mountains post. At least I got the elevation right 🙂 Yep, I can’t say I’m looking forward to the hard 鶏冠山 or even Zarugatake based on what you said.
Hi! Your site is so useful for me hiking in Japan. Resources in English are fairly limited so thank you. I am also slowly working my way through the Yamanashi 100 Famous Mountains. Currently on 44, but most of them are the easy ones although some of the access can be a challenge (I go by car). It looks like you have done a few I haven’t and I’ve done a few you haven’t so, although with your experience I am sure it is not necessary, but if you ever want to ask about the ones I have done, feel free to get in touch. YAMAP link below:-
Hi Dan,
Many thanks for the comment. It’s nice to see you have been sharing your hikes on YAMAP. Indeed, it looks like there are a few I haven’t yet done, and I won’t hesitate to ask for some advice if needed. I have bookmarked it for reference. It will surely come in handy to get some ideas and inspiration for some future hikes down the line. Best of luck with the final 56!