Mt. Yogaisan 要害山

Hiked on Apr 19, 2022 . Kaze no Kamisama 風の神様 – Mt. Koyashiro コヤシロ山 – Mt. Minashi 実成山   Duration: 3 hours   Distance: 8.5 km   Elevation change: 402 metres   Highest point: 609 metres   Start: Arai Bus Stop   Finish: Arai Bus Stop  ...

Mt. Ryugadake 竜ヶ岳

Hiked on Mar 29, 2022 . Stone Buddha 石仏 – Hashita-toge 端足峠 – Lake Motosuko 本栖湖   Duration: 5 hours   Distance: 11.1 km   Elevation change: 550 metres   Highest point: 1485 metres   Start: Lake Motosuko Bus Stop (Blue Line)   Finish: Lake...

Akabokko 赤ぼっこ

Hiked on Mar 20, 2022 . Mt. Yougaisan 要害山 – Tenguiwa 天狗岩 – Umabikisawa-toge 馬引沢峠   Duration: 4 hours   Distance: 11.2 km   Elevation change: 228 metres   Highest point: 414 metres   Start: Miyanohira Station (Ome Line)...

Backpacking Gear List 2022

3-Day, 3-Season Backpacking Gear (Updated 2022) It’s been a couple of years since I last whipped out the scales and took inventory of the gear, I take with me on a three-season, three-day hike. Not surprisingly the bulk of the stuff I carry is...

Yama to Kogen Chizu: 2022 Edition

MAPPLE Special Online Maps Campaign Continues in 2022 The map images and contents of this article have been obtained with the permission of the publisher (株式会社昭文社 Shobunsha Publications, Inc.). Like always at the beginning of spring Shobunsha...

AOKA CMP163CL Carbon Tripod Review

Best Backpacking Tripod for Lightweight Adventures Let’s start with why even bother bringing a travel tripod along when hiking. Many readers no doubt see a tripod as kind of ridiculous luxury especially when the majority weigh something akin to...

Hiking in Japan: 6 Navigation Essentials

Navigation Toolkit You Need to Safely Hit the Trail Over the years one thing this blog has tried to hammer home probably the most is keeping safe and out of harm’s way on the trail. Even with the best preparation it doesn’t take much for...

Mt. Warabi 蕨山

Hiked on Jan 30, 2022    Mar 15, 2024 . Warabiyama Lookout 蕨山展望台 – Mt. Fujidana 藤棚山 – Konpira Shrine ruins 金比羅神社跡   Duration: 5 hours   Distance: 9.6 km   Elevation change: 664 metres   Highest point: 1044...

Mt. Maruyama 丸山

Hiked on Jan 16, 2022 . Maruyama Lookout 丸山展望台 – Ono Pass 大野峠   Duration: 4 hours   Distance: 10.3 km   Elevation change: 650 metres   Highest point: 960 metres   Start: Ashigakubo Station (Seibu Chichibu Line)  ...
