Tokyo Hiking: Mountain Grading Guide

Choose Your Next Hike with Confidence With so many hiking trails around Tokyo to choose from it can be tough to know where to begin especially if you’re a novice hiker or new to the prefecture. Over the years probably the single most sought out...

Reading “Yama to Kogen Chizu” Topographic Maps

The Low-Down on Japanese Hiking Maps The map images and contents of this article have been obtained with the permission of the publisher (株式会社昭文社 Shobunsha Publications, Inc.). Writing about topographic maps i.e. a map which uses elevation contours...

Hiking Kanji Cheat Sheet

Navigating the Japanese Wilds with Ease Way back when I first started this blog one of the first topics I tackled was Japanese hiking maps with the emphasise on reading common kanji found out on the trail. This post remains popular and is updated...

A Snowy Climb to the Top of Takaosan

Enjoying the First Snow for Winter 2020 While the snow which fell last Saturday may not have been Tokyo’s first official first snow or hatsuyuki for 2020 (there were a few snowflakes the week earlier) it was this year’s first sizeable dumping...

Gosha Mountain Shrine: Hinohara Village

A Unique Shrine Surrounded by Nature Hatsumode or the first shrine visit of the year is a big deal in Japan with literally millions rocking up to their local shrine to pray for good fortune in the year ahead. In recent years I haven’t bothered much...

Falconry at the Hamarikyu Gardens

Day of the Falcon Japanese falconry or takagari was a ‘sport’ widely practiced by the noble and samurai class from the fourth century to underscore their status and authority. It flourished until the Edo period but with modernisation during the...

Montbell Plasma 1000 Down Jacket Review

The World’s Lightest Down Jacket When it comes to lightweight down jackets, they don’t come much lighter than the Montbell Plasma 1000 Down Jacket weighing in at a miserly 130 grams (medium size). In fact, according to this Reddit user’s data sheet...

Balcony View: Capturing Mt. Fuji from Tokyo

My Favourite Spot to Photograph Mt.Fuji Over the past seven years I have regularly snapped Fujisan from my balcony in Kodaira City in west Tokyo. As the crow flies it’s 79 km (49 mi) to the centre of Fuji’s main crater but often seems deceptively...

Mt. Makihata 巻機山

Hiked on Oct 28, 2019    Aug 15, 2021 . Makihatayama Refuge Hut 巻機山避難小屋 – Mt. Makihata 巻機山   Duration: 2 days   Distance: 16.3 km   Elevation change: 1372 metres   Highest point: 1967 metres   Start: Shimizu...

Japanese Outdoor Brands for Hikers

Japanese Outdoor Gear Manufacturers As a follow up to my recent blog post about Japanese outdoor brands I have decided to make the list a little more expansive thanks to some reader suggestions. The aim is to include outdoor manufacturers which...
