David Lowe

David grew up in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, with hiking and outdoor pursuits being a major part of his life for as long as he can remember. He has been writing, snapping photos, and sharing his adventures on RIDGELINEIMAGES.com since 2013.

At university, David majored in environmental management and holds a Graduate Diploma of Education. He has been living in Japan for over 15 years, first in Fukushima Prefecture and now in the Tokyo Metropolis. With a love of hiking and photography, he felt the best way to combine the two was a blog to provide some inspiration for others to enjoy the myriad of trails and outdoor offerings on Tokyo’s doorstep. You can follow David on Instagram @ridgelineimages.

Mt. Jinba 陣馬山 to Mt. Mito 三頭山

Hiked on Apr 28, 2019    May 5, 2022 . Mt. Jinba 陣馬山 – Maruyama 丸山 – Mt. Mito 三頭山   Duration: 2 days   Distance: 28.5 km   Elevation change: 1166 metres   Highest point: 1531 metres   Start: Wada bus...

Mt. Bukka (Bukkasan) 仏果山

Hiked on Apr 19, 2019    Jun 15, 2021 . Bukkasan 仏果山 – Mt. Takatori 高取山 – Miyagase Dam 宮ヶ瀬ダム   Duration: 4.5 hours   Distance: 9.3 km   Elevation change: 445 metres   Highest point: 747 metres   Start: Tsuchiyama...

Three Waterfalls of Unazawa Hike

Hiked on Apr 13, 2019 . Unazawa Otaki Falls 海沢大滝 – Onara Pass 大楢峠   Duration: 5 hours   Distance: 14.8 km   Elevation change: 340 metres   Highest point: 680 metres   Start: Shiromaru Station (Ome Line)   Finish: Kori...

Mt. Mihara 三原山

Hiked on Mar 14, 2019 . Higashisenba 東仙波 – Mt. Karamatsuo 唐松尾山 – Mt. Kasatori 笠取山   Duration: 4 hours   Distance: 12.7 km   Elevation change: 758 metres   Highest point: 758 metres   Start: Motomachi Port Ferry...

Mount Takao Fire-Walking Festival

Fancy a Spot of Fire-walking? The Mt. Takao Fire-Walking Festival (hiwatari matsuri) is an annual event held on the second Sunday in March a 5-minute walk up the road from Keio Takaosanguchi Station. The festival is organised by the Takao-san Yakuo...

The Mystery Behind the Okutama Ropeway

Another Piece of the Puzzle Let’s rewind to the early 1960s in Tokyo. The city was in the midst of massive transition both socially and economically a stark contrast to just 20 years before. If you were a Japanese housewife you pined for the...

20 Top Day Trips From Tokyo

Some Great Places to Explore Around Tokyo There’s lots to love about Tokyo including its vibrant culture, nightlife and atmospheric alleyways full of nook and cranny style eating establishments. However, you need the occasional getaway whether...

Winter Walking at Lake Okutama

A Short Getaway from Tokyo Even on a freezing cold morning it’s nice just to escape Tokyo even if just momentarily. Today’s walk starts from Miyama Bridge at the far end of Lake Okutama which I visited on a previous winter outing and when I hiked to...

Charge your Smartphone for Free

Self-Supporting Solar Stands If your smartphone battery suddenly finds itself out of juice and in desperate need of a recharge the Tokyo Metropolitan Government might just save the day. Over the past two years they have been busily installing...

The Misotsuchi no Tsurara Icicles

Chichibu’s Natural Ice Sculpture If you’re looking for a day adventure to get your nature fix during the winter months the Misotsuchi no Tsurara 三十槌の氷柱 (Icicles of Misotsuchi) could be just the ticket. Located in a remote pocket in Chichibu, Saitama...
