Tag: Tokyo hikes

Lake Okutama Ikoi-no-Michi Hike

Hiked on Nov 11, 2020    Apr 29, 2024 . Ogouchi Dam 小河内ダム – Yama-no-furusatomura 山のふるさと村   The first part of the route from Lake Okutama Bus Stop towards the Yama-no-furusato-mura is currently undergoing repairs and is not expected to...

Hachikokuyama Park: One of Tokyo’s Finest

Rainy Season Delights at a Suburban Tokyo Park A mere 25 km (16 mi.) from Shinjuku Station finds one of Tokyo’s most underrated parks that being Hachikokuyama Park 八国山緑地. Together with Kitayama Park abutting to the south it is one of four discrete...

Sayama Hills Loop Hike

Hiked on Jun 16, 2020 . Saitama Prefectural Nature Park – Noyamakita-Rokudoyama Park   Duration: 4 hours   Distance: 12.9 km   Elevation change: 60 metres   Highest point: 172 metres   Start: Seibu-Kyujo-mae Station  ...

Mt. Kariyose 刈寄山

Hiked on May 31, 2020 . Mt. Imakuma 今熊山 – Mt. Kariyose 刈寄山 – Kongo Falls 金剛の滝   Duration: 5.5 hours   Distance: 13.7 km   Elevation change: 447 metres   Highest point: 687 metres   Start: Imakumasan Tozanguchi Bus Stop...

On the Trail: Japan Hiking Guidebooks

5 Guidebooks to Help Inspire Your Next Hike Hiking is one of the most popular pastimes in Japan and is accompanied by a near limitless array of Japanese-language guidebooks to savour the demand. Travel guides however catering to foreign hiking...

Tokyo Hiking: Mountain Grading Guide

Choose Your Next Hike with Confidence With so many hiking trails around Tokyo to choose from it can be tough to know where to begin especially if you’re a novice hiker or new to the prefecture. Over the years probably the single most sought out...

A Snowy Climb to the Top of Takaosan

Enjoying the First Snow for Winter 2020 While the snow which fell last Saturday may not have been Tokyo’s first official first snow or hatsuyuki for 2020 (there were a few snowflakes the week earlier) it was this year’s first sizeable dumping...

Gosha Mountain Shrine: Hinohara Village

A Unique Shrine Surrounded by Nature Hatsumode or the first shrine visit of the year is a big deal in Japan with literally millions rocking up to their local shrine to pray for good fortune in the year ahead. In recent years I haven’t bothered much...

Backpacking and Camping on the Izu Islands

Enjoy the Tokyo Islands on a Shoestring If you are looking for some great spots to camp around Tokyo, than the laid-back Izu Islands (Izu-shoto) are one place you should definitely pay a visit. This group of volcanic islands stretch south-east from...
