Hiking in Japan: 100 Favourite Things

100 Things You Should Know About Hiking Japan In spite of the fact that blogging is often thought of as a solitary pursuit, most of us count on the support, wisdom, and good deeds of others to cobble things together. This blogger included. I...

Mt. Takatsuka 高柄山

Hiked on Dec 19, 2022 . Senzoku-toge 千足峠 – Shinyanone-toge 新矢野根峠 – Gozenyama 御前山   Duration: 5 hours   Distance: 10.5 km   Elevation change: 493 metres   Highest point: 733 metres   Start: Shiotsu Station (Chuo Main Line)   Finish:...

Mt. Hachioka 鉢岡山 (Hizure Alps)

Hiked on Dec 7, 2022 . Mt. Hizure-kongozan 日連金剛山 – Mt. Yasaka 八坂山 – Mt. Takara 宝山   Duration: 3.5 hours   Distance: 10.4 km   Elevation change: 297 metres   Highest point: 460 metres   Start: Fujino Station (Chuo Main Line)   Finish:...

Tokyo’s 10 Best Mountains

10 Mountains In Tokyo Worth Climbing As this blog approaches its 10th anniversary, it’s time to do what any self-respecting Tokyo hiking blogger would; rate from 1 to 10, Tokyo’s best mountains – specifically the list focuses on mountains...

Mt. Nagasawa 長沢山

Hiked on Nov 12, 2022 . Mitsumine Shrine 三峯神社 – Mt. Shiraiwayama 白岩山 – Mt. Tenso 天祖山   Do not attempt this hike unless you have experience in route-finding and make sure you carry a topographic map and handheld GPS device.  ...

Mt. Sasagogangaharasuriyama 笹子雁ヶ腹摺山

Hiked on Nov 3, 2022 . Mt. Yonezawa 米沢山 – Mt. Oboyama お坊山 – Ojika-toge 大鹿峠   Do not attempt this hike unless you have experience in route-finding and make sure you carry a topographic map and handheld GPS device.   Duration: 7 hours...

Mt. Kenashi 毛無山

Hiked on Oct 29, 2022 . Mt. Ryugadake 竜ヶ岳 – Hashita-toge – 端足峠 – Mt. Amagadake 雨ヶ岳   Duration: 2 days   Distance: 16.5 km   Elevation change: 1154 metres   Highest point: 1964 metres   Start: Lake Motosu Iriguchi...

Mt. Otakatori 大高取山

Hiked on Sep 16, 2022 . Mt. Nishiyamatakatori 西山高取 – Koroyama-san-taki 黒山三滝 – Koburi Pass 顔振峠   Duration: 6 hours   Distance: 15.7 km   Elevation change: 520 metres   Highest point: 580 metres   Start: Ogose...

THOR 75L Storage Box

Choice Storage Container for your Backpacking Gear Hiking by its very nature almost guarantees that over time you’ll acquire a range of gear that requires a home when not stuffed in a backpack. Easier said than done, until you remember you live in...

Mt. Hiragatake 平ヶ岳

Hiked on Aug 22, 2022 . Mt. Shimodaikura 下台倉山 – Ikeno-dake 池ノ岳 – Tamago-ishi 玉子石   Duration: 12 hours   Distance: 24.6 km   Elevation change: 1326 metres   Highest point: 2141 metres   Start: Takanosu Kogen...
