A virtually indestructible sock with a lifetime guarantee Let’s talk socks for a minute. If there is one single item in your hiking arsenal apart from your shoes perhaps, that is likely to make you miserable out on the trail it’s probably your socks...
Hiked on Mar 31, 2014 Aug 23, 2023 . Oyama Afuri Jinja 大山阿夫利神社 – Mt. Oyama 大山 Duration: 4 hours Distance: 6.3 km Elevation change: 942 metres Highest point: 1252 metres Start: Oyama Cable Car Bus Stop...
A Performance Trail Running Shoe from The North Face Trail running shoes provide a nice contrast to the rugged and heavy leather boots which accompany me on multi-day hikes. For day hikes and of course trail running I prefer the simplicity of a...
A lightweight mesh sleeping bag liner After purchasing my lovely new Nanga sleeping bag last year I decided the best way to keep it in pristine condition was to pair it with an inner sheet. Sleeping bag liners are an ideal way to add a little extra...
Heat reflective emergency blankets, mylar blankets or space blankets have been around for the seemingly decades and were originally developed by NASA in 1964 for the US space program. As a young fella I distinctly remember carrying one around in my...
A Guide to Selecting a Compass Without question becoming lost would have to be one of the most unsettling and frightening things that can happen on the trail. Bad weather may present unexpectedly or you may do all the right things but somehow still...
Introducing the Triple Sensor, Ver. 3 Casio Protrek PRW-3000 In the era of mobile and smart phones it’s probably not unsurprising to read that I have not worn a watch for more than ten years now. The downside however is when you have to rely on a...
Waypoints Successfully Embeded! For sometime now I considered a drawback of this site was the failure to provide schematic hiking routes. I have now addressed the issue by manually embedding waypoints onto each map using WP Google Maps a WordPress...
Hiked on Dec 28, 2013 Aug 23, 2023 . Mt. Ougiyama 扇山 – Mt. Momokurasan 百蔵山 Duration: 6 hours Distance: 13.4 km Elevation change: 824 metres Highest point: 1138 metres Start: Torisawa Station (Chuo Main...
Looking Back on the Year The main impetus for getting this blog started was frustration with the lack of information in English on hiking trails around Tokyo. Over the past year I have relished the opportunity to document my experiences and realised...
A Chance Upon at the Tokyo Peace Pagoda To expect the unexpected is something I have come to cherish about my ventures into the mountains and to discover that Tokyo is home to a long-forgotten Peace Pagoda was definitely one of them. The glistening...
Hiked on Dec 12, 2013 May 5, 2024 . Mt. Iyo イヨ山 – Mt. Nukazasu ヌカザス山 – Mt. Mito 三頭山 The floating bridge near the Ogouchi Jinja Bus Stop is temporarily closed due to the declining water level of Lake Okutama. For the...