2024 Release of Maps of Mountains and Plateaus
Following custom, Shobunsha Publications, Inc. (MAPPLE) released their annual Mountain and Plateau Maps (2024, 60th edition) in two halves: February 22nd (43 maps) and March 8th (20 maps). This year’s collection sees the addition of two new maps, boosting the comprehensive catalogue to 63 maps. Below includes links to the entire suite. For more information about reading Yama to Kōgen Chizu topo maps check out this how-to guide.
New Additions:
Two brand new maps join the roster: (22) TSUKUBA·KABA-SAN and (30) MIURA·BOSO. The maps of the hike reports on this blog have been updated to reflect the new numbering.
Price Update:
The copy price has risen again by 100 yen to 1,200 yen (excluding tax), marking the second such increase in the past two years.
Digital Access:
Shobunsha’s popular online mapping campaign continues. Purchase a physical map and download the Shobunsha Publications Mountain and Plateau Maps Hōdai app to enjoy six months of free corresponding digital access. Simply install the app and scan the QR code in the accompanying booklet to activate your digital map (QR code valid until March 31st, 2025). In-app purchases of individual maps have been reduced by 50 yen (according to this press release) and are now 600 yen each, while access to all online maps remains at 500 yen per month (6,000 yen annually).
Yama to Kogen Chizu: 2024 Edition.
Map Revisions:
Maps (3) DAISETSU-ZAN and (50) HOKUSETSU·KYOTO-NISHIYAMA receive complete revisions. Map 3 now presents the Daisetsuzan Volcanic Group and the Tokachi Mountains, including Asahi-dake, in a single, continuous section. Map 50 features detailed maps for three popular areas: Myoken-san, Naka-yama, and Minoh Koen.
DAISETSU-ZAN and HOKUSETSU·KYOTO-NISHIYAMA fully revised for 2024. Image: Shobunsha Publications, Inc.
Minor Updates:
A total 54 of the 63 maps now benefit from minor revisions that began in 2015, including magnified map inserts at confusing trail branches, road junctures, and dangerous spots to aid navigation.
Yama-to-Kōgen Map List 2024 【山と高原地図 2024年版】
Map No. | Mountain or Area Covered | Available at Amazon Japan |
1. | 利尻・羅臼 知床・斜里・阿寒・礼文 | RISHIRI·RAUSU |
2. | ニセコ・羊蹄山 暑寒別岳・駒ヶ岳 | NISEKO·YOTEI-ZAN |
3. | 大雪山 トムラウシ山・十勝岳・幌尻岳 | DAISETSU-ZAN |
4. | 八甲田・岩木山 白神岳・十和田湖・田代岳 | HAKKODA·IWAKI-SAN |
5. | 岩手山・八幡平 秋田駒ヶ岳・姫神山・森吉山・和賀岳 | IWATE-SAN·HACHIMANTAI |
6. | 栗駒・早池峰 焼石岳・神室山 | KURIKOMA·HAYACHINE |
7. | 蔵王 面白山・船形山 | CHOKAI-ZAN·GASSAN |
8. | 鳥海山・月山 羽黒山 | ZAO |
9. | 朝日連峰 以東岳・摩耶山 | ASAHI-RENPO |
10. | 飯豊山 朳差岳・二王子岳 | IIDE-SAN |
11. | 磐梯・吾妻 安達太良 | BANDAI·AZUMA |
12. | 那須・塩原 高原山・八溝山 | NASU·SHIOBARA |
13. | 日光 白根山・男体山 | NIKKO |
14. | 尾瀬 燧ヶ岳・至仏山・会津駒ヶ岳 | OZE |
15. | 越後三山 平ヶ岳・巻機山 | ECHIGO-SANZAN |
16. | 谷川岳 苗場山・武尊山 | TANIGAWA-DAKE |
17. | 志賀高原 草津白根山・四阿山 | SHIGA-KOGEN |
18. | 妙高・戸隠・雨飾 火打山・高妻山・信越トレイル | MYOKO·TOGAKUSHI·AMAKAZARI |
19. | 浅間山 軽井沢・長野原の山々 | ASAMA-YAMA |
20. | 赤城・皇海・榛名 袈裟丸山・足尾山地 | AKAGI·SUKAI·TSUKUBA |
21. | 西上州 妙義山・荒船山 | NISHIJYOSHU |
22. | 筑波山・加波山 高鈴山・奥久慈男体山 | TSUKUBA-SAN·KABA-SAN |
23. | 奥武蔵・秩父 武甲山 | OKUMUSASHI·CHICHIBU |
24. | 奥多摩・奥秩父総図 ※(1:120000) | OKUTAMA·OKUCHICHIBU |
25. | 奥多摩 御岳山・大岳山 | OKUTAMA |
26. | 大菩薩嶺 | DAIBOSATSU-REI |
28. | 金峰山・甲武信 | KINPU-SAN·KOBUSHI |
29 | 高尾・陣馬 | TAKAO·JINBA |
30. | 三浦・房総 ※(1:50000・1:60000) | MIURA·BOSO |
31. | 丹沢 | TANZAWA |
32. | 箱根 金時山・駒ヶ岳 ※(1:25000) | HAKONE |
33. | 伊豆 天城山 ※(1:80000) | IZU |
34. | 富士山 御坂・愛鷹山 | FUJI-SAN |
35. | 八ヶ岳 蓼科・美ヶ原・霧ヶ峰 | YATSUGA-TAKE |
36. | 日本アルプス総図 ※(1:150000) | JAPANESE ALPS |
37. | 白馬岳 | SHIROUMA-DAKE |
38. | 鹿島槍・五竜岳 | KASHIMAYARI·GORYU-DAKE |
39. | 剱・立山 | TSURUGI·TATEYAMA |
40. | 槍ヶ岳・穂高岳 上高地 | YARIGA-TAKE·HOTAKA-DAKE |
41. | 乗鞍高原 | NORIKURA-KOGEN |
42. | 御嶽山 小秀山・奥三界岳 | ONTAKE-SAN |
43. | 木曽駒・空木岳 | KISOKOMA·UTSUGI-DAKE |
44. | 北岳・甲斐駒 | KITA-DAKE·KAIKOMA |
46. | 白山 荒島岳・能郷白山・金剛堂山 | HAKU-SAN |
47. | 御在所・霊仙・伊吹 | GOZAISHO·RYOZEN·IBUKI |
48. | 比良山系 武奈ヶ岳・赤坂山 ※(1:30000) | HIRA-SANKEI |
49. | 京都北山 | KYOTO-KITAYAMA |
50. | 北摂・京都西山 箕面・妙見山 | HOKUSETSU·KYOTO-NISHIYAMA |
51. | 六甲・摩耶 須磨アルプス ※(1:25000) | ROKKO·MAYA |
52. | 金剛・葛城 生駒山・紀泉高原 | KONGO·KATSURAGI |
53. | 高野山・熊野古道 伯母子岳 ※(1:80000) | KOYA-SAN·KUMANO-KODO |
54. | 大峰山脈 | OMINE-SANMYAKU |
55. | 大台ヶ原 高見山・倶留尊山 | ODAIGAHARA |
56. | 氷ノ山 鉢伏・神鍋 | HYONO-SEN |
57. | 大山・蒜山高原 三瓶山・比婆山・道後山 | DAISEN·HIRUZEN-KOGEN |
58. | 石鎚・四国剣山 東赤石山・三嶺 | ISHIZUCHI·SHIKOKUTSURUGI-SAN |
59. | 福岡の山々 宝満山・英彦山 ※(1:25000・1:50000) | FUKUOKANO-YAMAYAMA |
60. | 阿蘇・九重 由布岳 | ASO·KUJYU |
61. | 祖母・傾 大崩山 | SOBO·KATAMUKI |
62. | 霧島・開聞岳 市房山 ※(1:25000) | KIRISHIMA·KAIMON-DAKE |
63. | 屋久島 宮之浦岳 | YAKUSHIMA |
New for 2024
Fully revised for 2024