Tag: Okutama

Okutama Summer Camp and BBQ

Spending 24 hours in Nature If one overnight summer camp and BBQ isn’t quite enough, you can always head back for more. That was the maxim I clung on to this week as I again sought refuge from the hustle, bustle, and heat of Tokyo. Camping at 1,000...

Mt. Toridani 酉谷山

Hiked on May 5, 2022    Jul 3, 2022 . Nanahaneyama 七跳山 – Hinatadani-no-atama 日向谷ノ頭 – Toridaniyama Refuge Hut 酉谷山避難小屋   Duration: 2 days   Distance: 30.4 km   Elevation change: 1098 metres   Highest point:...

Tokyo Mountains with Names Overlaid (Updated)

A Panorama of Mountains from Tama Lake in Tokyo. The Tokyo Metropolis sits on the Kanto Plain, the largest lowland area in Japan and home to around a third of the country’s population. To the east, the city is bordered by the Edogawa River and Chiba...

Mt. Raiden 雷電山

Hiked on Dec 29, 2020 . Enoki-toge 榎峠 – Nago-toge 名郷峠 – Mt. Sanbosan 三方山   Duration: 4 hours   Distance: 10.9 km   Elevation change: 244 metres   Highest point: 494 metres   Start: Ikusabata Station (Ome Line)  ...

Lake Okutama Ikoi-no-Michi Hike

Hiked on Nov 11, 2020    Apr 29, 2024 . Ogouchi Dam 小河内ダム – Yama-no-furusatomura 山のふるさと村   The first part of the route from Lake Okutama Bus Stop towards the Yama-no-furusato-mura is currently undergoing repairs and is not expected to...

Journey Along the Kurasawa Valley in Okutama

Solo Summer Hike and Camp in Okutama Arriving mid-morning at Okutama Station during the Obon holidays was, as expected, bustling with activity. Perhaps a little surprising given COVID-19. I made a beeline for one of the two diminutive buses headed...

Tokyo Hiking: Mountain Grading Guide

Choose Your Next Hike with Confidence With so many hiking trails around Tokyo to choose from it can be tough to know where to begin especially if you’re a novice hiker or new to the prefecture. Over the years probably the single most sought out...

Mt. Jinba 陣馬山 to Mt. Mito 三頭山

Hiked on Apr 28, 2019    May 5, 2022 . Mt. Jinba 陣馬山 – Maruyama 丸山 – Mt. Mito 三頭山   Duration: 2 days   Distance: 28.5 km   Elevation change: 1166 metres   Highest point: 1531 metres   Start: Wada bus...

Three Waterfalls of Unazawa Hike

Hiked on Apr 13, 2019 . Unazawa Otaki Falls 海沢大滝 – Onara Pass 大楢峠   Duration: 5 hours   Distance: 14.8 km   Elevation change: 340 metres   Highest point: 680 metres   Start: Shiromaru Station (Ome Line)   Finish: Kori...

The Mystery Behind the Okutama Ropeway

Another Piece of the Puzzle Let’s rewind to the early 1960s in Tokyo. The city was in the midst of massive transition both socially and economically a stark contrast to just 20 years before. If you were a Japanese housewife you pined for the...
