Wilderness at Tokyo’s Doorstep Situated within the Chichibu Tama Kai National Park in the western part of Tokyo, the Okuchichibu Mountains are a hiker’s paradise allowing us city dwelling folk to escape the confines of the nearby metropolis. The...
Hiked on May 21, 2015 Aug 24, 2023 . Kougen Hut 高原ヒュッテ – Mt. Kentoku 乾徳山 – Mt. Douman 道満山 Duration: 2 days Distance: 11.1 km Elevation change: 1186 metres Highest point: 2013 metres Start: Kentokusan...
Hiked on May 2, 2015 May 18, 2021 . Shougen Toge 将監峠 – Mt. Hiryusan 飛竜山 – Sanjounoyu 三条の湯 Duration: 3 days Distance: 34.5 km Elevation change: 1489 metres Highest point: 2069 metres Start: Ochiai Bus...
A Guide to Mountains in the Kanto Region The Kanto Region which includes Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo, Chiba, and Kanagawa contains many of the most popular hiking trails in Japan. Whilst the following list is a work in progress, it aims...
Nippara Limestone Cave the Biggest in Tokyo Located in the sleepy village of Nippara on Tokyo’s outskirts finds Nippara Cave one of the best karst limestone caves in Japan. I previously visited the caves a few years back though was keen to return on...
Worthwhile Excursions Away from the Bustle of Tokyo Whilst downtown Tokyo offers a seemingly endless array of sightseeing possibilities, sadly not enough visitors get the chance to broaden their horizons and travel beyond the city limits. Included...
Winter Waterfall Wonders at Odake Falls Tokyo contains some rather noteworthy waterfalls including the Hossawa Falls which are included in the One Hundred Waterfalls of Japan. While at the Odake Falls 大岳滝 are around half the height of the Hossawa...
Hiked on Nov 4, 2014 Jan 15, 2020 . Taiken no mori 体験の森 – Mt. Sasuzawayama サス沢山 Duration: 5 hours Distance: 10.9 km Elevation change: 1005 metres Highest point: 1405 metres Start: Sakaibashi Bus...
Hiked on Oct 25, 2014 Aug 24, 2023 . Fudou Falls 不動滝 – Mt. Buko 武甲山 Duration: 6 hours Distance: 15.6 km Elevation change: 1054 metres Highest point: 1304 metres Start: Yokoze Station (Seibu...
Hiked on Sep 18, 2014 Nov 15, 2021 . Karisaka Toge 雁坂峠 – Mt. Suisyoyama 水晶山 – Mt. Koreisan 古礼山 Duration: 3 days Distance: 23.9 km Elevation change: 1528 metres Highest point: 2158 metres Start:...
Hiked on Aug 31, 2014 Sep 2, 2021 . Mt. Okuratakamaru 大蔵高丸 – Mt. Hamaiba ハマイバ丸 Duration: 2 days Distance: 16.1 km Elevation change: 805 metres Highest point: 1781 metres Start: Yamatoten Mokusan Onsen...
Hiked on Aug 12, 2014 Aug 23, 2023 . Nishizawa Keikoku Bus Stop 西沢渓谷入口 – Nanatsugama Godan Falls 七ツ釜五段の滝 The Nishizawa Gorge hiking trail closes during winter (December 1st-April 28th subject to change depending on snowfall) for the...