David Lowe

David grew up in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia, with hiking and outdoor pursuits being a major part of his life for as long as he can remember. He has been writing, snapping photos, and sharing his adventures on RIDGELINEIMAGES.com since 2013.

At university, David majored in environmental management and holds a Graduate Diploma of Education. He has been living in Japan for over 15 years, first in Fukushima Prefecture and now in the Tokyo Metropolis. With a love of hiking and photography, he felt the best way to combine the two was a blog to provide some inspiration for others to enjoy the myriad of trails and outdoor offerings on Tokyo’s doorstep. You can follow David on Instagram @ridgelineimages.

Mt. Takao 高尾山

Hiked on Jan 17, 2013    Aug 23, 2023 . Mt. Kobotoke-Shiroyama 小仏城山 – Sagamiko Station 相模湖駅   Duration: 4 hours   Distance: 11.4 km   Elevation change: 409 metres   Highest point: 670 metres   Start: Takaosanguchi...
