Hossawa Falls on a Wintry Morning During a previous visit to the Hossawa Falls in early spring a few years back, splendid greenery complemented Tokyo’s most renowned waterfall. This time was a little less joyful, arising at the crack of dawn on a...
Okutama at its Finest: Mitsugama Falls In short, there are few more beautiful places in Okutama than the Unasawa Valley. The main drawcard are three waterfalls which snake their way along the Unasawa Creek downhill of Mount Odake. The hiking course...
Capturing Oze in the Late Autumn Oze National Park which encompasses Japan’s largest mountain wetlands stretches across four prefectures including Fukushima, Tochigi, Gunma and Niigata. From mid-May, through to early October the marshlands are...
Hiked on Oct 20, 2016 Sep 3, 2020 . Ozegahara Marsh 尾瀬ヶ原 – Lake Oze 尾瀬沼 – Sanpei Pass 三平峠 Duration: 2 days Distance: 24.4 km Elevation change: 169 metres Highest point: 1760 metres Start:...
The Source of Japan’s Longest River All great rivers need to start from somewhere and Japan’s longest – the 367 km (228 mi) long Shinano River is no exception. The difficulty arises however when trying to pinpoint the actual source of a river...
Hiked on Oct 2, 2016 Jul 15, 2020 . Moukidaira 毛木平 – Mt. Kobushi 甲武信ヶ岳 – Jumonjitouge Pass 十文字峠 Duration: 3 days Distance: 24 km Elevation change: 1173 metres Highest point: 2475 metres ...
A Couple of Minakami’s Finest Sights Aside from chronicling the deepest railway station in Japan and partaking in an onsen or two, I also checked out two other great sightseeing spots in Minakami. It should be noted however that access to both...
Hiked on Apr 5, 2016 . Karataki Waterfall 唐滝 Duration: 2.5 hours Distance: 5.2 km Elevation change: 300 metres Highest point: 440 metres Start: Tomijiro-shoten mae bus stop Finish: Tomijiro-shoten mae bus...
Hiking to the Hyakuhiro Waterfall in Okutama On a dreary overcast day last week I decided to check out a towering waterfall in the Okutama watershed. One of the major drawcards hiking Mount Kawanori is passing by the rather impressive Hyakuhiro...
Winter Waterfall Wonders at Odake Falls Tokyo contains some rather noteworthy waterfalls including the Hossawa Falls which are included in the One Hundred Waterfalls of Japan. While at the Odake Falls 大岳滝 are around half the height of the Hossawa...