Archive: May 2017

Using a Garmin Handheld GPS in Japan

Navigating the Pitfalls of Garmin Japan As someone who enjoys in the simplicity of navigating using a map and compass to find my way, I never really saw the necessity of investing in a handheld GPS unit. However, it’s not always beer and skittles...

Recapturing this 500-yen Banknote Classic

Mt. Fuji as Seen on the 500-yen Banknote Until the release of the 500-yen coin in 1982, its corresponding paper equivalent reigned for more than 40 years. In fact, it wasn’t until 1994 that the 500-yen banknote was finally withdrawn from circulation...

Mt. Gangaharasuriyama 雁ヶ腹摺山

Hiked on May 3, 2017    Apr 14, 2024 . Otoge 大峠 – Mt. Gangaharasuri 雁ヶ腹摺山 – Mt. Ubakoyama 姥子山   Duration: 2 days   Distance: 20.7 km   Elevation change: 1137 metres   Highest point: 1874 metres   Start:...
